Open Science Lecture
On 23rd March, CHEK project organized open lecture ‘Open Science: What is it and what does it really mean’ delivered by Tanya
In-person Meetings in Delft, NL
The first in-person meetings of the EU-funded CHEK project are over. On 16/17 February, TU Delft gathered the consortium partners
Towards automated regulatory compliance in the EU webinar
The buildingSMART – Regulatory Room hosts an open house event “Towards automated regulatory compliance in the EU” on January the 26th, 12:30
Monthly Meeting #2
CHEK’s Monthly Meeting No.2 took place on 20th of December. Project’s consortium partners gathered online to discuss the progress of the WP
DBP projects coordination
The three Horizon Europe sister projects, CHEKdbp, DigiChecks and ACCORD Project met online to coordinate their efforts on digital building permits and compliance check.
Digital Construction Conference, Prague
CHEK on Digital Construction Conference 2022, Prague