Open events

CHEK Open Event 2023

Building the Basis to Launch Digital Building Permits

  • Date: October 12th, 2023
  • Time: 14:00-17:00 CET
  • Duration: 3 hours
  • Format: Online
  • Platform: Microsoft Teams
  • Participants: 60+
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Open lecture

Open Science: What is it and what does it really mean

  • Date: March 12rd, 2023
  • Format: Online
  • Platform: Microsoft Teams
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Published papers

Scientific Development

Name Partner Description
Process Maps FHI The TO-BE process map illustrates the CHEK DBP process from the information collection phase to the final update of the as-built model in the city model. It reveals that the digital building permit process is complex and involves multiple steps and stakeholders. Therefore, it is essential to have a clear understanding of each step to ensure that the process runs smoothly.
Maturity Model FHI The main goal of the CHEK Digital Building Permit Maturity Model (CDBPMM) is to help building authorities and other organisations assess their maturity in implementing a digital building permit process. The CDBPMM defines a fully implemented and optimised digital permit process as the highest level of maturity. Using this model, organisations can evaluate their current maturity level, identify capability gaps, and develop a strategic roadmap to incrementally enhance their processes, organisation, technology, and information systems to achieve higher levels of digital integration, efficiency, quality, and transparency in permitting workflows.
CHEKWiki UMinho The CHEKWiki has the main goal of helping the process of upskill/reskill in the construction value chain by gathering the multidisciplinary knowledge of the partners of the CHEK consortium. Furthermore, the base of knowledge also helps to improve the communication within the project, since it contains definitions concerning terms of the building permit process of the municipalities involved, as terms of the digital domain that are related to the technologies that are going to be implemented in the project.
Entities and Attributes UBS Summary of entities and attributes identified through interpretation of the normative text. The data within refer to the first four control sets (distances, maximum building height, buildability index and minimum area of interior spaces) described in deliverable 2.1. In addition to containing the list of identified entities and attributes, this table contains an in-depth analysis of attributes. Precisely, the type of data (e.g., numeric, alphanumeric, boolean), the unit of measurement, the type of value (e.g., float numeric, integer numeric, classification), the comparative (e.g., =,>,<), if the data is numeric, the value is specified, while if the data refers to a list, the classification is specified, and finally, the regulation and municipality in which the attribute emerges.
LOIN UBS From the interpretation of the normative text and conceptual models, information requirements were identified with reference to standard EN 17412-1:2020. Information requirements contain geometrical information (e.g., detail, location, appearance), alphanumerical information (e.g., identification, information content) and documentation. This table is under development. To date, it contains LOINs referring to the first four control sets (distances, maximum building height, buildability index and minimum area of interior spaces) for the municipality of Ascoli Piceno, Italy
CHEKClauses UMinho The CHEKClauses base in Airtable is being developed as a centralized source of information about the regulatory analysis in the project. The goal is to streamline the delivery of information to other teams within the project related to the information requirements and software implementation.
IFC CHEK (IDS and PSD files) RDF CHEK IFC is a standardized solution to allow automated validation.

CHEK Software Development

Tool name Partner Description
API REST CYPE The API REST for is an Open API that provides the necessary framework for any software or service to access and manage data in platform. The API will facilitate communication and interoperability between the different tools and services that CHEK will provide for the digital building permit process. CYPE Validation provides a framework for public and private institutions which daily work is dealing with building permitting processes. Developers is specific part of from which any software developer can manage access to from their applications through the API.
CYPEURBAN CYPE CYPEURBAN is a free program for carrying out urban planning compliance documents on BIM models in IFC format. The program includes logical calculation which allows users to obtain some of the urban planning checks required by municipal bylaws from the BIM model. It also includes a series of tools for defining and checking parameters such as distances from the building to adjoining plots, plot checks, occupancy, buildability, crown height and free heights, among others.
Open BIM Accessibility CYPE Open BIM Accessibility is a tool for the analysis and verification of accessibility requirements in building projects. The application allows the customization of the regulatory accessibility requirements to be examined. The software imports IFC models to check against accessibility rules.
Open BIM Site CYPE Open BIM Site is a free application for defining the initial conditions of a project site. Using this tool, users can establish the geographical location of the models, manage different types of maps, enter topographic surfaces and add elements specific to the site, such as parcels and buildings.
IFC Digital Signature DiRoots The IFC Digital Signature core service includes two main components: the IFC signing and the signature validator. Designed with a modular, decoupled architecture, this service supports a variety of integrations and workflows.

The IFC signing component retrieves necessary data from an IFC file to secure a digital signature from supported providers, which is then attached directly to the file without altering its structure. The validator module enables compliant IFC files to display a visual indicator of the signature’s validity, ensuring the file has not been tampered with and maintaining trust between the creator and user.

This flexible system is compatible with any eIDAS trusted provider for strong legal compliance and can also integrate with bespoke in-house solutions, enhancing its adaptability for secure digital practices.

IFC Exporter DiRoots The CHEK IFC exporter tool helps the user to easily export their models from their BIM authoring software (Revit or ArchiCAD27), based on the predefined Information Delivery Specification (IDS) files for each municipality of Lisbon, Gaia, Ascoli Piceno, and Prague.

The IDS-based IFC exporter simplifies the export process by eliminating the need for complex, time-consuming, and error-prone manual configurations. This tool allows users to easily configure IDS requirements and accurately map the required IFC data for each municipality, making the export workflow more efficient.

IFC to CityGML TU Delft The software is able to extract the outer shell of an ifc file and store it as CityJSON file. It will help the automated conversion between scales. something that is seen as challenging with current software
IFC Georeferencing TU Delft IFC Georeferencing tool will help with georeferentiation of IFC files during the Digital Building Permit Process.
Plugin CityJSON to Revit (Coming soon) TU Delft The new software solution is a plugin for Autodesk Revit, aimed at harmonizing 3D city models and Building Information Models (BIM) in the context of GeoBIM. Its primary purpose is to enable the integration of 3D geographic data from CityJSON into BIM projects. It promotes better interoperability, informed decision-making, and efficient data management in the CHEK project.
Verify 3D Xinaps

Verifi3D is a SaaS (cloud-based), rule-based model checker with a scheme for integration with other cloud services and support for openBIM workflows. Verify 3D will building permit related rules on our product as rule templates and integrate our product with the CHEK platform.

VC Map + VC Map CHEK plugin VirtualCity Systems The VC Map is a browser-based application to show 2D and 3D spatial data as well as oblique imagery in one unified viewer application. The application provides a set of tools such as measurements in 2D/3D, drawing tools, split-screen, transparent terrain mode, real time shadows, clipping planes, camera paths, share link, image/PDF export, and others more, which allow users to explore and work with the shown datasets. The software will provide the geospatial environment that is required to perform checks that require spatial context information such as parcels, 3D buildings, terrain, etc.
CityGML to IFC, IDS RDF CityGML / CityJSON to IFC converter will be based on the Semantic Web based Geometry Modelling Kernel library and inherits all API calls and functionality, library named ‘GISEngine’ + IDS validator will be based on the IFC / STEP Engine (with generic EXPRESS schema validator)
BIM+GIS Viewer (IFC+CityGML) RDF BIM and GIS viewer connected to the platform that facilitates and combine the visualization of IFC, CityJSON and CityGML formats under the same viewer.
OGC Data exchange toolkit and OGC RAINBOW OGC Support data requirements definition for geospatial data in aligned human and machine readable format, and related validation. It provides a solution for data requirements provision for standard-based geospatial information and (geo)data validation
CHEK change virtual assistant Fraunhofer Italy

CHEK – Change management virtual assistant. Interactive web-based tool to support municipalities in assessing their level of maturity, their objectives, setting up their customized strategy and implementation plan to go through the digital transformation process. Will include functionalities and features like: chatbot assistant, assessment tool, process map generator/visualizer, roadmap generator, maturity matrix calculator.